Why choose Playground surfacing with EPDM rubber granules?

A playground surface is where equipment like slides, monkey bars, teeter tots, swings are placed. The material used in a playground surface is essential for kids’ health. The softcover is suitable for kids, but it’s not always available.

Asphalt is also used as a playground surface, which may cause serious injuries. Asphalt should be substituted with poured rubber or loose rubber mulch to avoid playground injuries. In short, the surfaces are usually made of colored EPDM rubber granules for aesthetics, child safety, and ADA wheelchair accessibility.

Surfaces with colored EPDM rubber granules are preferred for their safety and eco-friendly. Colored EPDM rubber granules are selected for their eye-catching aesthetics too. Figures, shapes, cartoons can be designed on playground tiles. Lines can be constructed to show people paths to walk on or guide them to specific areas.

Half of the playground injuries result from a fall to the playground surface that can cause concussions, dislocations, broken bones and more. That’s why playground tiles play a significant role in kids’ playground safety. Surface with colored EPDM rubber granules offers the perfect amount of cushioning. No more scrapes or cuts for kids who fall go boom in the playground. Rubber granules also cut down on the number of broken bones and fractures from kids falling.

Optimum conditions should be satisfied to fit all children’s needs. Playgrounds serve children with disabilities as much as they help other children. A certain level of firmness is required for children with disabilities. The playground surface should be firm enough to support wheelchairs to move quickly. A typical poured-colored EPDM rubber surface meets national standards for safety and ADA wheelchair accessibility.

Poured Rubber Surfacing is a seamless rubber surface composed of two layers poured in place. The first layer is called the “Wear Layer,” It is made of EPDM rubber granules (AURA EPDM). The second layer is the “Cushion Layer,” made of crumb rubber or recycled rubber tires. The raw rubber particles are bound together with a polyurethane binder (Bayerthane E100H).

EPDM rubber granules are mixed, poured and bound on-site. Colored EPDM rubber surfaces are great because they’re easy to put together, are reasonably cheap compared to other sports surfacing, and last a long time. Kids can’t rip the surface up if appropriately glued with a quality PU binder.

If you want to make sure you’re choosing the best EPDM Granules and PU binder for your playground surface, let’s contact us, who can guide you through the best options according to use case and price.