AURA EPDM Granules reduce the traumatic impact on playground surfaces

As you probably already know, more than 75% of all playground accidents are from falls. Don’t worry! Our EPDM rubber Granules solutions are designed to prevent any severe injuries that might arise from falls.

This allows children and other playground users to enjoy their activities with an added level of protection to avoid serious injuries.

AURA EPDM is the fall protection system

  • That offers the highest possible fall protection safety for children.
  • That sets new standards for fall protection surfaces with its SCP technology.
  • That uses only high-quality virgin EPDM granules in the complete system.
  • That is 100% compliant with the regulation.
  • That fulfills all requirements about environmental compatibility and health.
  • Local experts professionally install that.

Field Test for Playground Surfacing

We provide on-site playground field tests to examine the play area’s impact attenuation ability surfacing against the fall height that meets the relevant playground safety standard requirements.

We ensure that the standard specification for impact attenuation of surfaces under and around playground equipment is met.

This standard significantly reduces the likelihood of life-threatening injuries such as head injuries, the most common playground injuries.

The testing method used determines the shock absorbency by using a testing method that simulates the impact of a child’s head on the surface. An instrument that affects a child’s head is dropped from various heights, and the results determine the Critical Fall Height of the surface material.

To make sure you’re choosing the best EPDM Granules for children who will play on your playground surface, let’s contact us, who can guide you through the best options according to use case and price.